Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Security forces battle to end siege at Mogadishu mayor’s office

The security forces of the Somali government are battling Al-Shabaab gunmen who holed up in the offices of the Mogadishu mayor after a major...

A bomb blast hits Somali capital amid offensive against Al-Shabaab

A blast was reported in the vicinity of Hamarweyne district in downtown Mogadishu on Sunday noon as the country is now at war with...

At least 60 al-Shabab militants killed in Mudug region

The Somali National Army carried out a planned operation on Tuesday morning in the Ali-Qabobe area, approximately 30 km south of the town of...

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud addresses Al-Shabaab, 2026 elections, and nepotism concerns at Mogadishu town...

In a televised question-and-answer session in Mogadishu on Monday, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud discussed his government's accomplishments and addressed various topics, including the war...

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